On Delta Exchange, the contracts are abbreviated in a specific format. If Any> If Any>  If a trader can understand and decode contract symbols, they can then interpret other contract symbols without putting in too much time and effort.

  1. The first 3/4 letters are the underlying asset that is being traded.
  2. The latter 3/4 letters are the quote currency.
  3. In the case of a single letter (Q) added post the quote currency, the letter represents the type of currency product.
  4. The last details in a contract would be the date, in case the contract expires on a particular date.
  • You can’t figure out whether a contract is inverse or vanilla from the symbology. You need to know what is the margining/ settlement currency too, in addition to the contract symbol.

BTCUSD_27MAR – Inverse Futures, expiring on 27th March
  1. BTC is the underlying asset, Bitcoin
  2. USD is the quote currency, S. Dollars
  3. 27MAR is the day the contract will expire i.e. 27th March 2020
LINKBTC – Perpetual Vanilla Contract
  1. LINK is the underlying asset, Chainlink
  2. BTC is the quote currency, Bitcoin
BTCUSD – Perpetual Inverse Contract
  1. BTC is the underlying asset, Bitcoin
  2. USD is the quote currency, U.S.Dollar
ETHUSDQ - Perpetual Quanto Contract
  1. The first 3 letters, ETH represent the underlying asset i.e. Ethereum
  2. USD represents the quote currency being Dollars
  3. Q represents the currency product i.e. Quanto Products. Read more on Quanto here

Below, we have mentioned an exhaustive list of all the contracts listed on Delta Exchange, till date and what their contract specifications are.

Contract SymbolFull NameContract Description
BTCUSDBitcoinInverse Futures, quoted in USD, settled in BTC
ETHUSDQEthereum - USD QuantoVanilla Future, quoted in USD, settled and margined in USDC
XRPUSDQRipple - USD QuantoVanilla Future, quoted in USD, settled and margined in USDC
LTCUSDQLitecoin - USD QuantoVanilla Future, quoted in USD, settled and margined in USDC
BNBUSDQBinance Coin - USD QuantoVanilla Future, quoted in USD, settled and margined in BTC
BNBBTCBinance CoinVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
LEOUSDQLEOcoin - USD QuantoVanilla Future, quoted in USD, settled and margined in USDC
XLMBTCStellarVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
BSVUSDQBitcoin Cash SV - USD QuantoVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
XMRUSDQMonero - USD QuantoVanilla Future, quoted in USD, settled and margined in USDC
XTZBTCTezosVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
LINKBTCChainlinkVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
MATICBTCMatic NetworkVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
EOSBTCEOSVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
ENJBTCEnjin CoinVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
ADABTCCardanoVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
TOMOBTCTomoChainVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
WAVESBTCWavesVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
BATBTCBasic Attention TokenVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
ATOMBTCCosmosVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC
RVNBTCRavencoinVanilla Futures, quoted margined and settled in BTC